This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AppCenter 44% 12,252 70,022 438,966 10,447 727 698 1
Calculator 59% 2,103 7,037 45,901 1,854 99 38 1
Calendar 60% 7,486 24,737 163,330 6,378 531 55 4
Camera 45% 1,655 6,261 40,544 1,588 18 82 0
Code 17% 53,139 293,414 1,787,666 49,874 1,788 127 4
Desktop 12% 158,254 703,424 4,755,630 156,998 772 504 6
Files 21% 86,209 381,303 2,267,058 80,182 2,935 198 9
Friends 16% 1,317 2,635 17,603 1,315 2 3 0
Icon Browser 84% 839 4,355 26,366 759 29 94 4
Installer 34% 17,104 100,687 620,690 16,158 485 240 4
Mail 15% 35,155 150,487 923,290 33,285 667 149 4
Music 18% 6,255 32,670 218,820 5,921 46 10 1
Photos 27% 96,396 377,989 2,553,350 94,132 2,176 30 2
Screenshot 23% 5,484 19,531 124,908 5,379 148 22 2
Switchboard 18% 384,386 1,275,784 8,690,654 375,312 5,748 452 9
Tasks 15% 10,299 50,989 301,168 10,242 21 5 3
Terminal 15% 21,785 98,756 584,046 20,957 138 111 0
Videos 23% 11,339 42,963 255,784 11,243 124 47 0
Website 75% 6,451 83,947 557,596 6,364 585 191 22
Wingpanel 17% 62,010 210,494 1,373,938 60,637 781 186 7

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