This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AppCenter 43% 12,323 70,536 442,421 10,489 750 740 2
Calculator 59% 2,115 7,122 46,463 1,866 102 69 1
Calendar 60% 7,538 24,860 164,057 6,426 534 74 4
Camera 45% 1,615 6,193 39,930 1,560 18 65 0
Code 18% 50,428 273,597 1,668,258 47,216 1,772 186 4
Desktop 12% 152,798 683,394 4,613,255 151,572 718 449 5
Files 21% 86,200 380,281 2,256,360 80,071 2,968 159 10
Friends 16% 1,321 2,642 17,650 1,319 2 3 0
Icon Browser 84% 858 4,445 26,977 770 40 105 3
Installer 34% 17,253 101,887 629,472 16,378 463 202 4
Mail 14% 35,119 150,810 924,639 33,199 648 70 4
Music 17% 6,294 32,912 220,383 5,950 48 13 0
Photos 27% 96,592 378,422 2,556,661 94,312 2,192 0 2
Screenshot 23% 5,661 19,906 127,828 5,542 170 12 2
Switchboard 18% 381,533 1,260,269 8,583,781 372,373 5,991 160 7
Tasks 15% 10,310 51,117 301,916 10,253 22 13 3
Terminal 16% 19,727 80,100 464,607 18,957 143 93 0
Videos 23% 11,188 42,730 253,708 11,106 104 36 0
Website 75% 6,262 85,395 567,283 6,175 597 251 21
Wingpanel 17% 61,247 208,952 1,369,910 59,921 787 83 7

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