This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AppCenter 44% 12,204 69,926 438,486 10,407 727 740 2
Calculator 59% 2,157 7,184 47,000 1,899 104 70 1
Calendar 60% 7,486 24,737 163,330 6,378 531 73 4
Camera 45% 1,661 6,278 40,663 1,594 18 98 0
Code 18% 50,352 273,593 1,668,147 47,157 1,758 208 4
Desktop 12% 157,822 700,791 4,738,572 156,557 776 474 6
Files 22% 86,021 379,611 2,252,394 79,994 2,939 148 10
Friends 16% 1,317 2,635 17,603 1,315 2 3 0
Icon Browser 84% 849 4,403 26,651 768 35 99 4
Installer 34% 17,121 100,835 621,659 16,172 488 240 4
Mail 15% 35,156 150,500 923,366 33,286 668 150 4
Music 17% 6,443 33,133 222,352 6,092 64 11 0
Photos 27% 96,587 378,412 2,556,597 94,309 2,195 0 2
Screenshot 23% 5,659 19,902 127,792 5,541 151 12 2
Store 73% 924 4,883 31,972 923 48 160 7
Switchboard 18% 384,898 1,275,761 8,693,519 375,768 5,912 119 9
Terminal 15% 21,828 99,029 585,690 20,986 134 119 0
Videos 22% 11,358 43,071 256,440 11,260 127 33 0
Website 77% 5,728 76,310 507,641 5,641 587 206 22
Wingpanel 17% 61,165 208,711 1,368,338 59,848 776 107 7

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